Monday, 9 April 2007

USB devices

Interestingly, the usb wifi dongle used in the IR100 can be removed and a hub plugged in to the empty socket. Plugging the wifi device into the hub allows the radio to function as normal. More importantly it allows for other usb devices to be connected :)

If a usb flash disk is connected as the radio boots it is recognised and mounted under /tmp/usb/a/1 (in the case of /dev/sda1) automatically.

Modules are included for usb to serial converters including the popular Prolific PL2303 chip. After installing the usbserial and pl2303 modules a connected usb to serial cable is available as /dev/usb/tts/0.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice to see "Hacked!" on screen, not reciva radio. change it was my dream.