Success! But I don't seem to have any fancy new options. Time for a quick fiddle with config1012.txt.

Ah, that's better you can now get at the Alarm Clock from the top level (oh and enable more than one).

In Configuration > Clock you can also enable a menu to correct for daylight savings. Very useful since my IR100 has been an hour slow since the switch.

The Media Player menu can also have a Demo Mode item enabled. This allowed me to play tracks of a USB flash drive. It also looks like this firmware supports a 32MB of flash memory (the current radios 16MB) so you could play music from that too.
Looks like splendid work! Too bad DSG don't seem too keen to give us the firmware update - there are some nice features locked in there waiting to get out.
Is there anything actually new in this update, apart from making the DST setting available from the UI and putting Alarm settings at the top level?
Everything else seems to be an option in the older firmware if you change the config file. I've also got Bass and Treble settings and Local Media enabled on mine, though when I plugged in an unpowered hub, the radio was struggling to keep the wifi going without anything else plugged in, and was a lost cause with a USB flash stick plugged in as well. I think part of the wifi sensitivity problems with these radios might be caused by an inadequate power supply.
Can youspot a key sequence to type in on reboot ... that might enable things.
e.g. the playing from USB disk appears to be called "Demo Mode". This might have ben designed for exhibition stands when there is no internet connection .. and pressing a few keys on startup might enable it (and perhaps other sequences enable other things).
257-a-297 is available
Yeah, have already got 257-a-297 installed :)
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